Friday, October 1, 2010

A dream

Tonight I had a dream that I was walking down a wooded trail.  You were following me.  The path kept splitting every once in awhile.  At the split you asked me if I wanted you to follow me.  I said, "No, go your own way."  You departed down the opposite path each time not a care in the world.  The next split came up and we followed the same scenario.  Split after split we stuck to the routine.  I ended the path and you were still there right behind me.  Just like I had wanted all along but was too afraid to say.


  1. Check out a dream analysis book. I think wood means penises or something. A redwood forrest of penis. Paths are almost always the unknown.

  2. thats pretty deep lol. i love dreams. sometimes i feel like i could just sleep all day and night dreaming...

  3. cool dream dude. next time try a lucid dream

  4. Nice way with your words there. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

  5. Pshaw. This dream is all about blogging.

  6. interesting dream good sir

  7. if only it happened that way in reality...

  8. I think dreams are a way of finding out what to do. My dreams helped me get through a tough time once by asking the right questions. Before the dream I was too afraid to ask it

  9. Interesting perspective, I'll give you that.

  10. interesting blog will def folllow!

  11. dream dictionaries and such make me laugh... but i definitely think your mind is trying to tell you something important.

  12. dark yet... think theres something on your mind.

  13. This made me sad a little bit. I am not going to lie. I feel like I have lived your dream.
