Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An Experiment In Perception

This psychology experiment found that 75% of people don't recognize major changes that occur right in front of them.  They used a tricky methodology, having participants sign into a test with a desk clerk while having the original person step away to file a form and a different one come back to the counter to finish.  Most people didn't notice a thing.

Pretty crazy, huh?  However, you might be thinking that these people just weren't paying attention and that this wouldn't happen to you, right?  Well, let me ask you, did you notice anything strange about the video you just watched?  In fact, the male professor was originally wearing a red shirt and then a blue one later on.

Did you catch this significant change?  If not, don't feel bad.  I had to rewatch it before I noticed it also.


  1. It doesn't even have to be subtle. I remember the experiment where a man in a gorilla suit walking through a scene and no one noticed him because of the focus of the scene. It all has to do with how we perceive sensory input, being that one of the fundamental problems of perception is that there is always too much sensory input to sort and pay attention to everything.

  2. That's pretty crazy, it's like when you are looking for you glasses, when half an hour later, you notice that you are wearing it. xD

  3. wow. that's kinda frightening.

  4. These types of experiments always make me chuckle. It is just amazing what we miss or choose not to care about. Great experiment idea I think...

  5. Seen studies like these- its sad. I actively try to take in my entire surroundings regardless of where I am.

  6. Gonna take your brain to another dimension...pay close attention!

  7. haha that totally escaped my notice!

  8. even if i noticed the clerk changed i wouldnt say anything ;)
